Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Graphics in Web Design: Helpful Tips

Graphic Design elements in Chicago Web Design can sometimes be complex. Not only do you need to design for comfort and function, it has to be easily navigated no matter how illustrated or off the wall your graphics are. Use these tips for effective alternative web design using graphics.

1. Don't make all of your images clickable 
First of all, text links are used for identification and if the only links on your website are images, people will get lost on your website. Additionally, some internet connections do not allow for fast loading images and if your only internal linking relies on imagery, your website will frustrate and overwhelm those users.
To combat this, make your images static and use a text-based link to move your web visitors around the page. Chicago Web Design

2. Use automatic scrolling with caution
This has to do with scrolling, obviously. When building a website, try to keep your content rich enough but short enough to be viewed with the shortest amount of scrolling. Also, if you've got cool stuff at the bottom of your custom website, nobody will have the patience to get there!

4. Don’t rely on the browser
The sentence “Please use IE to view the site under 800×600 resolution” often appears in many websites. We prefer Firefox, Chrome and Safari because we need them to test the readability of pages when designing websites. But most users will not install so many browsers and will usually only use one. Make sure you view your website in all different types of browsers, most especially Internet Explorer, since this will be the buggiest browser of them all.

5. Don’t forget the copyright
Intellectual property theft is rampant on the internet. With the number of pop-up blogs and personal websites, you need to guard your content and images against internet theft. If you need to reference other's images or content, please do so. To protect yourself, copyright your information.

6. Update timely
This is big for SEO as well. If you've had a website for longer than a year and haven't updated it, it's time to now! It's a waste of html if it just sits there.

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