Wednesday, November 9, 2011

SEO Friendly Web Design: How to Get it!

These days, it is almost always a prerequisite to have a website on the internet. But how does that website get found? Search Engine Optimization is the answer to those problems. Incorporating aspects of on-page optimization and external link building and content generation techniques can mean the difference between an unused website and a real marketing tools that benefits your business. Of course, color, layout and graphics should be taken into account with regards to your target market, but it should always coincide with SEO-Friendly Web Design techniques into account.

What is SEO Friendly Website Design
When one thinks of web design, once usually doesn't think about the issues that happen behind the scenes such as proper tagging of headings and image alt text. Design is an important aspect of aesthetics and conversions, but can also lay a strong foundation for specific search engine optimization techniques. There are two important factors that go into pre-planning for a website design.

Researched Keywords
Keywords added to your content and backend coding can allow your website to be found in search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. These keywords must have the proper research behind them to benefit and generate the wanted return.

Content Management and Creation
Content generation is one of the most important parts of SEO. The best way to pre-plan your website design around your search engine optimization campaign is the implement an easy to use content management system. This will make it much easier to add pages to your website, add blog posts and change static content on each of your pages.

How to Optimize your Website
The best way to optimize your website is to let an SEO Expert implement it for you. In particular, find a Chicago Web Design Company that has an in-house SEO department. This type of structure will ensure that SEO is considered from the beginning of the design instead of having two separate companies have their hands on your website.

Integraphix is a leader in the field of website design and search engine optimization . Their portfolio alone can attest to their success in the design and internet marketing arena with all of their clients having a beautiful website and top Search Engine rankings in as little as 90 days. Their Chicago Web Design team builds websites that their clients love, and websites that will work for the target market and industry. They know that design, ROI and optimization are important factors of your web business success.

Remember, as a business owner, opting for a SEO campaign along with an optimized website is the best thing you can do for your online business. You're competing with other businesses and you need a competitive edge to help you stand out from the crowd.

To learn more about how you can benefit from an SEO friendly website, visit

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