Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chicago Web Design: Restaurant Web Design Tips

Chicago Web Design

There are many things about many Chicago websites that could use a lot of changes, and there are a lot of things with many websites that are great! But there are certain industries that need to stick to a standard, and there is a specific industry that always leaves us hanging: Restaurant and Bar website designs are always horrid.

There has been many a time where you've gone looking for a great place to eat, found a website, and it was literally impossible to navigate. In addition to that, they're menu wasn't view-able on your computer, or it was an image so small you couldn't see what was available. It may have happened also that something you did see that was appetizing wasn't listed as seasonal, so once you got wasn't available.

Having worked in the Chicago web design industry for some time, we love that working with web and print design is so flexible. There is no reason why restaurants cannot keep their websites up to date with pricing, seasonal entrees and new specials. There is also no reason that the entire website should be an image and have bad links to their pdf'd menu.

What ALL Restaurant Websites Should Include:

Web Fonts for Information & Menus
Use web fonts even if they break your branding and identity. Your informational copy doesn't have to be in the same font as your logo. Many computers and especially phones can't read alternate font styles, may be too slow to load a large image, and most importantly, since people search for restaurants on their phones, don't make your menu a .pdf. Smart phones can't open them.

If you didn't know what that's the web acronym for Keep It Simple, Stupid. Don't clutter up your website with flashy animations and huge images. Make sure the homepage can be read on slow internet connections and smartphones.

Nix Text in your Images
Unless it's a logo, all of your test should be HTML. Especially your address and phone number. And be sure they're displayed somewhere other than your footer or on the contact page. Additionally, link your address to your Google Place Page so smartphone users can get directions to your business easily.

Get a Second Opinion
Typos make you look dumb. Period. Your food isn't the only aspect of your reputation. It's your decor, your staff, and in the online world...your website. If you have browser incompatibilities, buggy slideshows, typos, grammar errors and broken links...say goodbye to that customer.

Display your Hours CORRECTLY
I saw a sign the other day that said: Lunch - 11:30pm to 3:00pm. What? Huh? This is a nobrainer.

Update your Website Regularly!!!
This is very important. People expect the specials they see online to be available at your restaurant. If you've got a special that expired 6 months ago...take it down.

People who love food and tend to search for new places online can be extremely picky. If they can't navigate your website, they'll move on. Make your website as frill-free and structured with fool-proof navigation as possible to keep your customers coming in! If you feel your website is in need of a facelift, or you just can't update your website as regularly as you feel, give Integraphix a shout at 847.537.0067 to talk about a website maintenance program or website redesign.


Integraphix, a Chicago Web Design Agency

1 comment:

  1. Flash corporate website designing is one technique where animation is used. Although, they look striking but at the same time they have the capability to offer many benefits to users when it comes to fetching results.Website Design
